Updated Januby Anastasia Maillot: There's always more and more skin packs and texture packs being released for the console and Bedrock Editions of Minecraft. RELATED: 10 Minecraft Logic Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words The marketplace is the primary way of finding cosmetics, which can be a bit limiting, but also means that some skins are much rarer than others. However, those on the Legacy Console Edition as well as Bedrock Edition know that adding in skins isn't always the simplest thing. The options are pretty much endless on the Java Edition, since PC provides so many different skins and ways to customize them. Players also get to customize their character. It's no surprise then that no two Minecraft worlds look like the same. Along with survival, players are encouraged to make their own creations, and turn the world they spawn in into something of their own. If we go to the market place it will show all owned skins there but to change that way is super annoying and driving my 6 year old nuts which in turn is driving me nuts as well lol.The iconic Minecraft is a game of creativity, where players can build just about anything they want. Once we did that everytime we go to profile and owned skins it doesnt drop the list down to show anything to choose from, ot only allows us to choose realms skins and buy more skins. Later in the day we signed up for the free 30 day realms. After that we were able to go to profile in game and select edit character then skins then owned and it would down arrow a list of all owned skins to choose on command. We have purchased 2 skin packs, classic skins 1 and Preston's merch pack. In the following video demo, it takes about 36 seconds from the time I click "Owned" for the skin pack to show up for the skin I'm already using (IG-11 from the new Star Wars pack): Skin so slow.mp4 After a long wait and/or scrolling up and down at lot, the displayed list grows longer and eventually shows all owned skin packs. Only a few skin packs display at first, or possibly none at all. Open Minecraft while connected to the internet.Īll owned skin packs display in the drop-down list immediately, or there is a loading indicator and then all display at once.Updated description by GoldenHelmet Steps to reproduce

Please do not attach screenshots or video that show your username/gamertag. Comment below to let us know if your skins eventually load, and how long it takes them to load. For those affected by this bug, please try waiting for a minute or more from the time you click the "Owned" drop-down button.